Friday, April 18, 2008

Seoul Man

South Korea is a magical, mystical land with centuries of tradition and culture. Well,l at least it was until Uncle Sam tamed those savages. Just to make sure they could make it back on their feet after the Korean war, we set up an Military base smack in the middle of Seoul, that is still there today. Fifty-five fucking years later. But don't worry they love us over there, what's not to love? I mean besides the fact there is so many sexual assaults by military personnel that we weren't let into more then half the bars we tried. But hey, that's the price you pay for freedom.
This shot was taken at Phoenix Park ski resort in the Gangwon Province. When traveling overseas I am alway a little gun shy about the food.Don't get me wrong, I am all about trying new things but you never know when all you are going to get is a raw egg, boiled bacon and fisheye sandwich or a bowl of still moving octopus. So needless to say I was more than a little shook heading into the middle of nowhere South Korea were the chances of coming across monkey testicle soup was more than possible. My bag was so packed with instant oatmeal and Tiger bars that the zipper was about to burst. Lucky for me the base of the resort had all these amazing Korean restaurants there was one called, I hope I am saying this right, um... Pop... Popeyes? Yeah that's it. They had this dish called "fried chicken" it was amazing. Then right next to it was a joint called Dominos that served "pizza," wild stuff. If you ever get the chance, I recommend them both.
God damn America ruining everything.

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