Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Red Fang Video!!!!

You might want to go get a new mind before you hit play, 'cause yours is about to be blown!

Monday, October 27, 2008


Been loving the track lately. Cheap food, cheap beer, track folk, a chance at winning thousands upon thousands of dollars...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Beating The Skins

Another winter is just inches away and I'll be damned if this kid is going through it without a another band. Soon as November hits this town we are in for eight months of rain and darkness, you start feeling like an extra in a shitty Batman movie after a while. Walking around in the dark, staring at the pavement, a constant drizzle bouncing off your slumped shoulders... But I'm not letting it get to me this year, gotta keep busy, can't let the dark cloud settle over my head. Hopefully I can get a band together again, so I will have practices and the what-not to look foward to.
And if not, there is always the bar.
And cable.
Lots of cable.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Red Fang Video

Spent the last couple weekends helping Whitey shoot the new Red Fang video. Some good shit will be coming soon, from what I've seen so far, it could be the best thing Whitey has ever done. Funny. Ass. Shit.