Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Screaming For Vengance

(note: I didn't plan for the story, but I felt the need to add photo of Phil cause I had it) There is a amazing story behind this photo, I wish I wasn't so lazy. I'll give you the Cliff-Notes version. Went to San Pedro to meet up with my good friends Mike Burnett, Ultimate Phil, Jasin X, and El Beardo for a skate-filled Thanksgiving. After shredding a few pools and the park under the bridge it was off to belly up to the bar. After being kicked out of two seperate bars due to Ultimate's chaffing clothes we ended up at a real shit hole.The name of the bar escapes me, but it was one of Bukowski's favorite haunts. The beauty of a place like San Pedro is there is no hipsters to ruin spots like this one. This guy liked to drink as much as we did that night so he became our instant friend. Seconds before this photo was taken I knocked a beer onto my camera, so when this guy started screaming Judas Priest songs at the top of his lungs I had to pry the lense cover open with my fingernail to get the shot, thus the vinyeting. The rest of the night included Jasin accidentally pile drivering Beardo's sister-in-law, which resulted in her face looking like Rocky Dennis from the movie Mask, then humping her on the floor next to me and Jasin's buddy Zach making it half way home before crawling into a random house and falling asleep on the floor, only to wake up the next morning to try and roll over the 300 pound mexican gangster on the couch to stop him from snoring. Good times, good times.

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