So I walked into ProPhoto Supply the other day to buy a six dollar lense cap and walked out with a new medium format camera. I couldn't pass it up. Here is a couple from the first roll. A bass Maureen is working on:
What we got here is a bunch of random photos I have taken over the last X amount of years up to current day. Most are crappy scans of negative film, some are digi-shots. But seeing as my digital camera shit the bed and I am broke, the majority is film. I dont really know how to use photoshop or my $100 scanner that well, so deal with it. Oh yeah, I can't really afford film so most of what I shoot is hand me down, expired film, and I push it and or pull it to get the speed I want and if it is side film I usually X-process it. Man, that was a lot of explaining. Hope you like what you see, feel free to leave comments.
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